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First-Year Partnership with Australian Moto Grand Prix 2024

Clean Vibes team on a buggy at Phillip Island

Event Overview

The Australian Moto Grand Prix 2024, held from October 18-20 at Phillip Island, welcomed 80,000 attendees across three days. Known for its breathtaking coastal views and thrilling racing, this prestigious international event demanded world-class cleaning and waste management solutions to match its status.

In our first-year partnership with the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, Clean Vibes demonstrated expertise in managing large-scale sporting events with a dedicated team of 80 cleaning professionals.

Clean Vibes staffs cleaning different area of the Moto GP 2024 Melbourne

Clean Vibes staffs cleaning different area of the Moto GP 2024 Melbourne

At a Glance

  • Managing waste and cleaning services for 80,000 attendees
  • 74.62 tonnes of waste handled
  • 64.02% diverted from landfill
  • New partnerships with Bio bin and Green My Plate
  • Effective implementation of a four-stream waste sorting system.

Operational Highlights

Clean Vibes staff loading cleaning essentials onto driving cart

Clean Vibes staff loading cleaning essentials onto driving cart

Strategic Event Management

Our operations were structured around three key phases - bump-in, event period, and bump-out - with specialised teams and resources allocated to each phase. This strategic approach ensured consistent service quality throughout the entire event lifecycle and different areas.

Campground Management

  • Strategic Staffing: Dedicated cleaning teams ensured restrooms, showers, and shared spaces in the campgrounds remained clean and accessible during the whole event.
  • Enhanced Overnight Presence: Our 24/7 maintenance team provided continuous support, maintaining high standards throughout the event and ensuring immediate response to any cleanliness concerns.

Paddock and Hospitality Zones

  • Execution: Our teams worked diligently to maintain cleanliness in these critical areas, ensuring a seamless and exceptional experience for VIP guests and racing teams.
  • Innovative Solutions: We implemented targeted resource allocation and enhanced staffing patterns during peak periods, maximising operational efficiency to ensure the cleanliness of the paddock and hospitality zones.

Event-Wide Cleaning Operations

  • Coordinated Team Approach: Our efficient handover systems and robust communication framework, led by experienced zone supervisors, ensured seamless transitions between shifts and consistent service quality.
  • Advanced Equipment Deployment: Strategic use of ride-on sweepers for large walkways and specialised cleaning equipment enhanced our operational efficiency.

Night shift operations were optimised through innovative approaches, such as introducing offset staffing shifts for vacuuming and refining waste-handling processes. By consolidating waste overnight and utilising the site layout effectively, we improved operational efficiency and ensured all tasks were completed on time.

Clean Vibes staffs sorting waste at compound at Moto GP Phillip Island 2024

Clean Vibes staffs sorting waste at compound at Moto GP Phillip Island 2024

Sustainability Infrastructure & Initiatives

Four-Stream Waste System

Clean Vibes introduced clearly labeled bins for organic waste, recycling, paper/cardboard, and general waste, placed strategically across the event. Our on-site monitoring and post-event waste audits ensured high sorting accuracy and maximum resource recovery.

The System in Action:

At the event, Clean Vibes collaborated with the AGPC sustainability team to strategically place bins within key offices and buildings. Any waste that was incorrectly sorted into the initial bins was subsequently managed and sorted at the on-site waste compound.

To further optimise waste management, Clean Vibes recommends increasing the number of skips in contractor compounds and introducing a dedicated soft plastics bin for freight waste. This will streamline waste collection and enhance landfill diversion efforts for future events.

This innovative waste management strategy ensured that attendees effectively sorted waste into organic, recyclable, paper/cardboard, and general waste streams, contributing to a notable 64.02% diversion rate from landfill.

Innovative Waste Management Tools

  • Bio Bin Implementation: Our pioneering introduction of Biobin technology at the MotoGP Phillip Island provided an innovative solution for managing organic waste. BioBin is a mobile, on-site system specifically designed to manage organic and wet waste materials by initiating the composting process at the source. This advanced system effectively controls odours from putrescible waste, ensuring a cleaner and more hygienic environment during large-scale events.

The organic matter collected through the BioBin system can be further processed into high-quality compost and mulch products, contributing to a circular approach to waste management.

Organic waste in skip bin operated by Clean Vibes and Bio Bin

Organic waste in skip bin operated by Clean Vibes and Bio Bin

  • Supporting Sustainable Practices with Green My Plate

To support our team of 80+ cleaning crew, Clean Vibes ensured on-site catering was sustainable by utilising Green My Plate to supply reusable plates and bowls for our catering operations. These items were used exclusively to serve meals to our crew and were later returned to Green My Plate for professional cleaning, reflecting a commitment to minimising waste generated during the event.

Additionally, Green My Plate, arranged through AGPC, provided their reusable plates and bowls to Gardner Straight's public zone, further promoting sustainability in that area of the event.

By leveraging sustainable crockery for our catering needs and supporting broader initiatives through AGPC, Clean Vibes continues to demonstrate a shared dedication to waste reduction and responsible practices, even in the context of large-scale, high-pressure events.

Green my plate reusable bowl found in a bin while sorting waste.

Green my plate reusable bowl found in a bin while sorting waste.

  • CDS Program Success: During the 2024 Australian Moto Grand Prix, our efforts in recovering valuable CDS items like aluminium cans and plastic bottles not only diverted waste from landfill but also resulted in a notable financial return, with recycling incentives significantly benefiting the event organisers.
Plastic bottles and aluminium cans separated for recycling purpose

Plastic bottles and aluminium cans separated for recycling purpose

If you would like to know how recycling containers can bring value to your next event, visit City Return and Earn, operated by Clean Vibes, or click the button below.

Unlock recycling value

This comprehensive waste management strategy processed 74.62 tonnes of waste, with a 64.02% diversion rate from landfill, which is the equivalent of removing 5-6 city buses worth of waste from the event.


Clean Vibes’ bins set up at Moto Grand Prix Phillip Island

Clean Vibes’ bins set up at Moto Grand Prix Phillip Island

The 2024 Australian Moto Grand Prix marked a significant achievement in sustainable event management, with a 64.02% waste diversion rate and operational improvements.

Clean Vibes is committed to refining our operations based on these key lessons, ensuring that we continue to provide the highest level of service and sustainability at the 2025 event.

For more information on our sustainable event management services, contact us today.

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