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Recycling with Clean Vibes

A Complete Guide to Sustainable Waste Management
Plastic bottle with label recycle me

Recycling doesn’t have to be complicated or tedious.

As Australia’s leading recycling solution, Clean Vibes is dedicated to turning waste into sustainable opportunities.

Whether you're an event organiser or an attendee scanning one of the QR codes on our bin covers, this guide will help you understand exactly where your waste goes, how it's processed, and what it becomes.

What Can Be Recycled With Clean Vibes?

Thanks to our recent grant from the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), Clean Vibes can recycle and process all event waste in-house at our depots in NSW and VIC, or through our partners in other states. Here's a breakdown of the materials we recycle:


Eligible containers included in the CDS scheme:

  • Aluminium cans
  • Plastic bottles
  • Glass bottles
  • Cardboard containers (e.g., juice boxes)


This material refers to unused or surplus wood materials from construction sites, renovations, or deconstruction projects. This includes offcuts, beams, plywood, and other wood products.

Fence Scrim

A fence scrim or commonly known as weed matt is a fabric or mesh material used for privacy, branding, or dust control at construction sites or events.

Soft Plastics

They include flexible, lightweight materials like ice bags, shrink wraps, and pallet wraps commonly found in industrial and commercial settings. 

Cardboard and Paper

Cardboard and paper products, including flattened boxes, office paper, and packaging materials, can be recycled with Clean Vibes.

Plastic Pallets, Milk and Bread Crates

These sturdy and reusable crates are often made from high-quality plastics designed to withstand repeated use.

Organic Waste

This consists of biodegradable or compostable materials like food scraps, garden clippings, and agricultural residues.


This is a lightweight yet durable corrugated plastic, which is commonly used for signage, displays, and packaging.

What Happens to Recyclable Materials After the Event?

All recyclable materials are transported to one of our Australian depots in VIC or NSW, or to trusted partner facilities in other states and New Zealand where we don't have depots.

Once at our depots or with our partners, the materials are carefully sorted and processed into new items through various recycling methods.

Watch the video below, from our CEO, Andrew Macarthur, to see how waste is processed and transformed into reusable materials at our Silverwater depot.

By partnering with facilities across Australia and New Zealand, Clean Vibes gives waste a second life, reducing landfill waste and contributing to environmental sustainability.

What Do They Become?

Once recyclable materials are collected, they undergo a thorough process of sorting and transformation. Here's a look at how some of the materials we collect are repurposed:

Eligible Containers:

Plastic Bottles

They are transported to a specialised recycling facility where they are cleaned, shredded, and transformed into recycled PET resin. This resin is used to produce new beverage bottles, food-grade packaging, and even clothing. Bottle caps are also recycled separately into products like flower pots and bin lids. The entire cycle, from recycling to new bottles on shelves, can take as little as 6 weeks.

Glass Bottles

They are crushed into cullet and sorted by colour at recycling plants. The cullet is melted down using less energy than producing new glass and remade into bottles or jars, which can return to supermarket shelves in just 30 days.

Aluminum Cans

They are separated, crushed, and baled before being sent to smelters. The crushed cans are melted into sheets of recycled aluminum, used to create new cans and other products. This process takes only 4–8 weeks, and the material retains its quality no matter how many times it's recycled.

Cardboard Containers (e.g., juice boxes):

After being processed, cardboard containers are turned into new cardboard products, such as boxes or packaging.

By giving these materials a second life, we reduce waste, conserve resources, and support a sustainable, circular economy.

Eligible containers for recycling

Eligible containers

Did you know?

These eligible containers are processed through the Container Deposit Scheme, where individuals can earn 10 cents per container at City Return and Earn depots. This initiative makes recycling easier for businesses and individuals while encouraging a greener planet. To find out how you can earn money while recycling, visit our partner City Return and Earn.

Other Materials We Recycle:


Collected from events and other sites, timber is processed into Process Engineered Fuel (PEF), a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. This initiative not only reduces landfill waste but also supports renewable energy solutions for industries across Australia and Southeast Asia.

Timber pallets

Timber pallets

Fence Scrim

Durable fabrics like fence scrim are diverted from landfills and repurposed into PEF, supporting energy needs while reducing environmental impact.

Fence scrim shredded for recycling purpose

Shredded fence scrim

Soft Plastics

Items like for example; pallet wraps and ice bags, are melted down and reprocessed into PEF as well. This innovative recycling ensures non-biodegradable waste is transformed into valuable fuel.

Soft plastic for recycling purpose

Soft plastic for recycling purpose

Cardboard and Paper

After being compacted and processed into pulp, cardboard and paper are turned into new products, such as new boxes, tissue paper, or paperboard.

Used cardboard

Used cardboard

Milk and Bread Crates

Clean Vibes recycles damaged or surplus crates by sending them to partners to be cleaned, melted down, and reprocessed into new durable products like crates, bins, or construction materials.

Milk crates at Clean vibes depot

Milk crates

Organic Waste

Clean Vibes, in partnership with BioBin, processes food scraps and organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, which helps improve soil health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfill decomposition.

Organic waste

Organic waste


Clean Vibes partners with Corex and Paper Resource in Sydney to transform event signage and corflute materials into new products. Through specialised machinery, collected corflute is melted down and processed, enabling the material to be repurposed into various new plastic products. Additionally, corflute is also processed into Process Engineered Fuel (PEF), further reducing waste and diverting significant materials from landfill.

Corflute signage

Corflute signage

By sorting, processing, and repurposing these materials, we help lower waste, conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support the creation of a circular economy.

We’re also always on the lookout for new partnerships to further enhance our ability to sustainably process and recycle materials.

Clean Vibes' Key Sustainable Waste Management Initiatives

Process Engineered Fuel (PEF)

One of Clean Vibes' standout initiatives is transforming waste to Process Engineered Fuel (PEF), a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels at our depots. This initiative reduces greenhouse gases and ensures that non-recyclable waste is effectively utilised rather than discarded in landfills.

Transforming Plastics with JK Plastics Recycling

Our partnership with JK Plastics Recycling focuses on repurposing durable plastics, including milk crates, stadium seats, and plastic pallets. By transforming used polypropylene and polyethylene polymers, Clean Vibes reintegrates these materials into new products.

Partnering with Wastefree for Smarter Recycling

Watefree, a waste management company, supports Clean Vibes by sorting and recycling materials like cardboard, paper, metal, glass, and co-mingled waste. With support from an EPA grant, Clean Vibes uses advanced baling equipment to prepare these materials for recycling. Collected through Clean Vibes’ depots across Australia, this initiative significantly reduces the number of bottles, cans, and other recyclables that might otherwise end up in landfills.

Tackling Food Waste with BioBin

Food waste management is another pillar of Clean Vibes’ sustainability efforts. By collaborating with BioBin, Clean Vibes process food scraps from corporate and event venues into nutrient-rich compost. This compost is then used to enrich soils in gardens and farms, preventing tonnes of food waste from contributing to landfill emissions.

Recycling Batteries

Through partnerships with Ecobatt and event organisers, Clean Vibes collects and recycles event batteries, including wristband flashing lights and torches. This initiative prevents harmful chemicals in batteries from polluting the environment.

Nescafe Coffee Pod Recycling: Engaging Communities

Clean Vibes also facilitates recycling Nescafe coffee pods for event organisers, which we collect and process at our warehouses. By repurposing single-use items, Clean Vibes can help your organisation foster a greener culture.

Reusing and Repairing Timber Pallets

Timber pallets used at events are collected, reused, and repaired as part of our comprehensive recycling solution. This initiative extends the lifecycle of wooden materials, reduces the demand for new timber and promotes sustainability at every stage of your event.

Expanding Capabilities with EPA Grants

Clean Vibes’ latest EPA grant has enabled the acquisition of shredding and baling machines to process complex waste types like fence scrim, corflute, soft plastics, and pallet wraps. If your event has these materials, we can transform them into usable products through our collaboration with Cleanaway ResourceCo.

Clean Vibes epot

Clean Vibes depot

For Event Organisers: Transform Your Event's Sustainability

As an event organiser, partnering with Clean Vibes allows you to take the first step toward a more sustainable event. We’ve been a trusted sustainable waste management and recycling partner for events, stadiums, and festivals across Australia and New Zealand, helping organisers minimise their environmental impact.

Our team will create a tailored waste management plan that aligns with your event's needs, overseeing the entire waste process from start to finish. By choosing Clean Vibes, you not only reduce your environmental footprint but also unlock revenue opportunities through recycling. Our event cleaning services makes waste management simple, efficient, and sustainable.

Why Choose Clean Vibes?

  • Advanced Recycling Solutions: Transform hard-to-recycle materials into valuable resources through state-of-the-art processing.
  • Circular Economy Leadership: Join our network of partners across Australia and New Zealand in keeping materials in use through innovative recycling solutions.
  • Tailored Event Services: Receive customised, hassle-free waste management with clear sustainability metrics for your event reporting.
Clean Vibes warehouse with staff

Clean Vibes warehouse

Container Deposit Scheme: Earn While You Recycle

Visit our CDS page to learn how you can earn 10 cents per container.

Choose from two flexible container management options:

Self-Managed Solution:

  • Sort eligible containers on-site during your event
  • Drop off at any Clean Vibes depot
  • Receive 10c per container via bank transfer within 7 days

Full-Service Solution:

  • We handle all sorting and transport post-event
  • Containers are processed at the nearest depot
  • Receive 10c per container via bank transfer within 7 days
  • No handling required from your team

Each eligible container recycled through either option contributes to your event's sustainability goals while generating revenue for yourself or your business.

Key Takeaway

Whether you're an event attendee or an organiser, Clean Vibes empowers you to make a positive environmental impact. By recycling with us, you're helping reduce landfill waste, conserve resources, and foster a circular economy.

Visit our website or contact us to learn more about our recycling solutions in Australia and New Zealand.

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